Monday, August 22, 2011

Fever, Otter pops, and Spots

Weird combination, I know, but let me explain. So Cooper got a high fever that lasted for 3 whole days and then finally broke. Yay! In that time all he would eat was his milk, juice, and otter pops. I think the kid ate a whole box to himself. Lucky. So thinking he is all better, he then breaks out in a rash all over his face, chest, and back. Poor kid just cant catch a break! But after a few more days they all went away and we have our little Cooper back! Happy, smiling, and now addicted to otter pops!


  1. Poor little guy. Glad to hear he is doing better. And he is super cute!

  2. Poor little guy. He was a little trooper through it all. So glad it wasn't more serious.
