Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm 1!

Well, it's official. Cooper is now a 1 year old. It's been such a bitter-sweet time for me. I'm so happy my baby is growing up and learning about this big world, but at the same time I want him to stay my little baby boy forever. But I guess I don't have much choice in the matter and he is going to grow up whether I like it or not, so I better hop on board and enjoy the ride!
We had a little get together with the family that could make it and had a good time. He got lot's of presents that he didn't need, but he loves them all! So thanks everyone!
We also had it fire truck themed (all my choosing of course, I hope he liked it) and it turned out pretty cute I thought!

Happy Birthday Cooper! We love you!!


  1. So cute Chels! Looks like he had a fun party and loves cake! Yay Cooper, happy birthday!

  2. LOVE the cake! it is super cute, good job!

    ps.......gma said she sent some things to your mom and thought the sheet was in the box.......if not, let me know and i will go look harder! :)

  3. super cute!! i love the cake, that takes talent to make a cake like that!

  4. i seriously can't stand how cute that little boy is!!! i just die over him every time i see a new picture of him. love him! happy birthday, coop!

  5. Good times, good times :) Happy Birthday to Cooper Trooper!
