Sunday, November 20, 2011

B, b, b.

Boys. Binkies. Bathroom. My little Cooper man knows what he wants. And if he likes it, he wants more than just one. Make it 2 or 3. Cooper likes to have his hands full. Both are either full of food, toys, or binkies at all time, cause one just isn't enough. Binkies has to be my favorite. He will have one in his mouth, one in each hand, and sometimes one on the floor next to him just in case. He will switch them out and try another, and do this all day long. And sometimes we are even lucky enough for him to share one with us. :) Thanks Cooper.
Did I mention that one of his favorite spots to play is the bathroom? Kinda gross, but don't worry, I clean it multiple times per day, so its probably cleaner then most of his toys. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh so cute! Aaliyah was the same way with her binkies and Summit is the same way when it comes to food...both hands have to be full along with his mouth! Cooper is so cute! LOVED watching him dancing at the reception
