Saturday, April 23, 2011

One Month Early

So some things are cool to have early, like birthday presents, shoes i ordered online, weekends. But whats not cool, is having a baby unexpectedly early.

So on Tuesday the 24 I started having labor pains, nothing big, and i was also going in for a check up the next morning, so I wasn't too concerned. Well turns out I should have been. When I went in my Doctor told me I was 80% effaced and dilated to a 4. Yikes! So he put my on some medicine to slow me down and sent me on my way. Well it didn't work and that night around 4am Riley and I headed to the hospital. After many ups and downs, phone calls, and lots of ice, Cooper Kevin Yates arrived! He was born at 5:57pm on August 25, 6 pounds 8 ounces, 20 1/2 inches long. He had a little trouble breathing in the beginning but once settled was perfect. Our perfect little boy.


  1. Oh yay, chelsey! I love love picture overload! I also love the story behind it all, cause people like me never get the full story! I'm so glad everything ended up good in the end! Sounds a little scary. And u r right, he is so perfect (and tiny!). Oh, yeah, and I totally care about you and Riley, too! :) you are a great blogger......I'm so glad you won! Ha!

  2. I had no idea he was born a month early. So was our little guy, Eli. Cooper is so cute! and I'm glad you finally joined the blogging world :)
